Bahrain Aquathlon
Water Garden City hosted the first Aquathlon race of the season, on Friday the 15th of September 2017. The Aquathlon race was organized by Bahrain Road Runners and it included races for both children and adults; swimming in the Marina followed by a run along the newly opened Financial Boulevard : the first children age category race was 6 to 8 years, for a distance of 50 meters
swim and 400 meters run; the second age category, was for children aged 9 to 11 years for a distance of 100 meters swim and 800 meters run and the third age category was from 12 to 15 years, with 200 m swim and 1 km run. The adult race began with 600m swimming, followed by the running for a distance of 6 kilometers. All the races started and finished at the Pearl Island. In order to create a family atmosphere full of joy and fun, the event included many entertainment programs that were suitable for all family members. In addition to the restaurants and cafés, there was a special program for kids such as kids playing area, games and face painting, as well as cash prizes for the winners.